Q: Is my plumeria dead?

A: We get this one a lot, but mostly during the winter months. Here's why: 

Plumeria growing season is spring/summer. Thus, the plumeria slips we sell in the packaged bag will: (1) last longer, and usually (2) begin to root within the package. Also, the growing plants that we sell will typically: (1) have luscious leaves, and often (2) flower. 

But in the winter, the plumeria go dormant. They drop their leaves and they look dead. Perhaps the best way to illustrate this is by letting you see one of the plumeria trees that we have on one of our own properties:

Plumeria in the winter. (No leaves)

Plumeria in the winter. (No leaves)

Same tree, but now it's summertime. See all the leaves?

Same tree, but now it's summertime. See all the leaves?

To purchase a plumeria plant or slip, click here. 


Q: How long will the white ginger lily flowers last, once picked?


Q: For the plumeria, what percentage of sand and soil do you recommend?