Phalaenopsis Orchid in a 2 Inch Pot (set of 2)

White Phalaenopsis Orchid flowers
White Phalaenopsis Orchid flowers

Phalaenopsis Orchid in a 2 Inch Pot (set of 2)


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It may be hard to spell, but phalaenopsis is my name, and being a great orchid is my game!  My moniker comes from the classic Greek and means "moth-like."  I bloom up to dozen flowers on a graceful arch which gives the illusion of butterflies in flight.  My flowers last up to two months, and the succession of blooms on a single plant may produce flowers for more than half the year.  I have been told that I'm among the loveliest of all spray orchids.

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How to grow a Phalaenopsis orchid:

Not to worry:  It's not hard. Simply plant in fir bark or osmunda (type of fern), and keep the media moist (but never soggy). Phalaenopsis' like humidity levels to be in the 60% to 70% range, and for the temperature to be around 65℉ at night and 80℉ during the day. They also enjoy shade. They are happiest in about 50% shade.

Important: Never water it at night or it'll die!  

Use a good liquid fertilizer, about once a week, and (ideally), keep it in a window that faces east.