Bamboo Orchid (Arundina graminifolia) Keiki from Hawaii

Bamboo Orchid (Arundina graminifolia) Keiki from Hawaii


You'll receive five (5) packages. Each package contains two (2) "bulbs" [keiki] of Bamboo Orchid packed in sphagnum moss to keep it viable. Each keiki is about 2 to 3 inches long.

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Aloha! I'm the Bamboo Orchid, scientifically known as Arundina graminifolia, and I'm celebrated for my unique beauty and adaptability. Native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, particularly found in countries like Thailand and Malaysia, I have a rich history of cultivation that dates back centuries. My striking appearance and resilience have made me a favorite in many tropical gardens around the world. I was introduced to Hawaii in the early 20th century, where I quickly became a beloved addition to local landscapes due to my ability to thrive in various conditions.

As I mature, I can grow to heights of 3 to 5 feet, featuring long, slender stems that resemble bamboo, which is how I got my name. My leaves are lance-shaped and vibrant green, providing a beautiful backdrop for my delicate, fragrant flowers that bloom in clusters. The blooms can be found in shades of pink, purple, and white, adding a tropical flair to any garden or indoor space.

Some gardeners report having trouble propagating my bulbs, but success can be achieved by planting them in a loose, well-draining medium, keeping them slightly moist but not waterlogged, and providing bright, indirect light.

After you plant my bulbs, you can typically expect to see healthy growth within a few weeks. While it may take around 3 to 6 months for me to produce my first blooms, the wait is well worth it! For optimal results, place me in a bright location with filtered sunlight, such as near a window with sheer curtains, to mimic my natural tropical habitat.

Rest assured, I can thrive indoors during harsher weather and outdoors when conditions are nice. With the right care, I'll bring a touch of tropical elegance into your home.

  • Grows in Climate Zone: 9-11

  • Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light

  • Water Requirements: Keep soil slightly moist, allowing it to dry out between waterings

  • Soil Requirements: Well-draining potting mix

  • At one time this reed-like plant slender, grassy foliage was quite abundant in Hawaii, but now it’s seen less and less. Although not related to bamboo, it does exhibit some bamboo-like properties, one of which is that it grows and grows.

    The Hawaiian Bamboo Orchid features slender, bamboo-like stems and beautiful purple-throated flowers, making it a unique addition to any tropical garden.

    Arundina graminifolia is known for its resilience, thriving in various conditions, including both tropical and subtropical climates, making it a versatile choice for gardeners.

    Here's an interesting quote from the Smithsonian Gardens website about the Bamboo Orchid:

    • "Arundina are one of the few orchids [that] benefit from human activity, as they like to grow in areas disturbed by forest clearing and road building. The bamboo orchid has spread like wildfire and naturalized in several areas, including Hawaii, where it is one of the first plants to colonize lava flows." - Smithsonian Gardens